What do you do when the whole world stops?
When an electromagnetic pulse hits the earth and everything stops working, nothing will ever be the same.
No TV, no internet, no cell phones, not even a stinking working car. Who would have thought this could happen in the USA?
To outsiders, Andrea Patterson has the American dream house and family. But when the unthinkable happens, the dream looks more like a nightmare—one from which she and her family may not wake up alive.
Lexie Martin's Christian homesteading family sees the EMP as divine judgment. They've been prepping for disaster for years, so for them, the world didn't stop; it just slowed down. The one thing they didn't prepare for? A desperate school bus driver who wants what they've got.
Sarah Weaver, friend of Andrea and Lexie, lives on the top floor of a ten-story apartment building. When things went black, she thought it could be romantic, like in the time of Jane Austen.
She was wrong.
Has the world collapsed forever?
Who will survive when technology fails?
CHILLING DYSTOPIAN NOVEL Stories like this one get me very excited for today's young adult reader!
DEENA PETERSON, Blogger, Reviewer
Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! My heart pounded at the first sight of the marauding gang and didn't stop till...! (spoiler). Holy cow, guess I better invest in a rifle! Great book. (I just finished reading it at 1:30am!)
Christine K., Reader
COMPELLING A must-read for all people...I look forward to reading the sequel!" Doug Erlandson, Top 50 Amazon Reviewer
REALISTIC AND FRIGHTENING "I loved this book! The story of each teen gradually unfolds and includes carefully researched details...you really feel what it would be like to go through this!" Carol Riffle, H.S. Science Teacher
THIS BOOK BRINGS IT HOME Get it, read it, get young adults to read it—and prepare! C.Reinemann, Disaster Preparedness Consultant
GRABBED MY HEART! Had me spellbound! You won't want to miss this gritty and powerful series. Nora St. Laurent, CEO, The Book Club Network
SIZZLES WITH TENSION I loved it! It well deserves five stars. Gina Burgess, VINE VOICE